With so many different weight-loss options available out there, it can be rather difficult to find the one that will work best for you. Without consulting a professional first, you could end up picking the wrong option. A lot of people subscribe to one fad diet or another with the hopes of finding something effective for the long-term, but many more folks are now asking whether or not diuretic diet pills really help to trim the waistline. According to the latest data, it looks like weight loss hopefuls might have some good news.
What Is a Diuretic Diet Pill?
Understanding what a diuretic is happens to be of extreme importance. Put simply, a diuretic diet pill is something that stimulates the body’s natural urination processes. As you may or may not know, one of the biggest culprits for weight gain is excess water retention and toxin buildup. While certain diet plans offer the body a dense portion of nutrients and some exercise routines are designed to improve a person’s overall physique, there are times when more astringent measures are needed.
How Do Diuretics Help Trim the Waistline?
When your body harbors too much excess water, you can tell immediately. You will not be able to lose any significant amount of weight easily, and when you do finally shed those unwanted pounds, they will just show up again in no time. Diuretic diet pills help to get your body ready to dump this excess water through your urinary tract. This is not only natural but also highly effective, especially for those people who are constantly dealing with too much water weight.
Is Using a Diuretic Diet Pill Safe?
There is a lot of differing information regarding the use of a diuretic diet pill to lose significant amounts of weight. Your best bet is first to check the ingredients of the products you choose and then to take a moment to check out some objective consumer reviews. Another great idea is to speak with your doctor or urologist before you begin taking any sort of diuretic diet pills.
Although shedding excess water weight through the urinary tract is relatively safe and natural, each and every person’s body operates and reacts to stimuli differently. If you want to lose as much weight as possible while maintaining your good health, it’s a very good idea to speak with your doctor to find out if this method of overcoming water retention is safe and appropriate for you.
Precautions About these Pills
According to WebMD, there are a number of reasons that doctors will recommend water pills and diuretic diet pills. That said, they’re not necessarily right for everyone. There are side effects to be considered and they can conflict with certain medical conditions and other pills or supplements.
It’s important to understand certain precautions about these products before you start to use them. The first among them is the side effects.
Side Effects
Since the very nature of these pills is to flush fluids out of your tissues, that excess water is then sent out through your urine. As a result, you’ll need to expect to have to urinate more often than you usually would. This effect will continue for a number of hours after you take each pill.
Using these pills comes with a serious risk of dehydration. Since they send fluids out of your body, you’re already at risk of becoming dehydrated. That said, as WebMD points out, simply drinking more liquids may not be enough to compensate for that effect. Therefore, it’s important to monitor yourself carefully for signs of dehydration. If you find that you are very thirsty or suffer from a very dry mouth while taking these pills, if you aren’t urinating as much or if your urine is a dark yellow, or if you have a bad headache or become constipated, it’s a good idea to contact your doctor for advice.
Dehydration can also make you feel lightheaded or dizzy, particularly when you stand up, as dehydration can cause these symptoms. Moreover, certain diuretics can also cause blood pressure to drop, which can also come with a range of side effects of which you should be aware.
Diuretic diet pills can also make it more difficult to achieve healthy blood sugar control. This can place you at risk of diabetes or put you at considerably greater health risks if you already have diabetes. Taking these pills also increases your risk of gout.
Who Should Not Take Diuretics?
It’s important not to take diuretics if you are allergic to them. Be aware that some are in the form of sulfa drugs, for which allergies are common. Older and younger people tend to experience more side effects from diuretic diet pills, including dizziness, fainting and dehydration. Your doctor may not recommend them based on your age. They are also not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. When taken in the wrong dose, they can lead to improper bone development in children due to the impact on calcium and potassium.