Like almost all pills, the weight loss drug Contrave has pros and cons. People have been curious about whether the drug actually works or not. Recently, the FDA approved the drug, so it is available now for consumption. It is made from a combination of two drugs, naltrexone and bupropion. Typically manufactured for people with a BMI of thirty or above, it only reduces up to 4% of the total body weight as compared to other pills. Therefore, it’s no magic pill and doesn’t really work. The drug also has quite a few side effects.
Although it was tested for a year on thousands of people, the drug has been observed to speed up heart palpitations. It also provokes suicidal thoughts. These side effects are the reason approval took so long. Doctors have suggested the drug works on the brain for fighting signals related to impulse, hunger and reward that the brain sends to our system. The drug has adverse effects on behavior and the thought process as well.
Another common side effect of the drug is nausea and headache. The drug also triggers constipation. Even though all these side effects diminish after the initial 8 weeks of use, the weight loss drug Contrave has not received good reviews about long-term weight loss from users. The drug has not been as efficient as other weight loss drugs to trim down your waistline. Due to the adverse reactions of the weight loss drug Contrave, the manufacturers have displayed a set of warnings and a list of side effects on its official homepage.
Other notable side effects of the drug include insomnia, impulsivity, irritability, violence, aggression and apparent changes in your thinking pattern and most importantly violence. Neuropsychiatric events, like mood changes and hallucinations, have also been triggered by the drug. The FDA recommends that no other medication that contains bupropion should be used when you are taking Contrave.
The weight loss drug Contrave must also be avoided by anyone who suffers from seizure disorders or epilepsy, hypertension, eating disorders, including bulimia and anorexia nervosa, pregnant women or women who are trying to conceive, and people who are taking opioids or going through treatment for opioid dependence.
The many side effects of the weight loss drug Contrave imply that it doesn’t really work for reducing weight. In fact, the use of the drug does havoc on your mind and body and should be consumed with a lot of care.