Can you tell the difference between a hunger vs. craving? If not, you are not the only one. That said, even though it isn’t commonly understood, you can still benefit from knowing the difference between the two. Even better, by understanding the difference, you’ll be able to make better choices to help control your weight, lose weight more efficiently, and even save money by avoiding the inclination to overeat.
Tag Archives: healthy eating
How to Stop Sugar Cravings
Do you feel like your sweet tooth is constantly trying to sabotage your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle and lose the excess weight? Sugar cravings are extremely common, and they can be very powerful, to the point that it’s not just a matter of willpower to be able to overcome them. Instead, you need to have a strategy in mind if you want to be able to block them from causing any more harm to your efforts.
Top Benefits of Probiotics for Weight Loss
If you are trying to lose weight, you have probably heard something about the benefits of probiotics for weight loss. These are supposed to be the cure all that help you lose weight in no time and feel your very best. But why are these so popular and why would people consider using them? Here are some of the benefits of probiotics for weight loss that can help you look slimmer faster.
Why Do You Have High-Calorie Food Cravings?
When you’re trying to lose weight or keep up a healthful lifestyle, food cravings can hit you out of nowhere and can place all the victories from your carefully designed efforts at risk. The problem they present is that they rarely – if ever – come in the form of a desire to eat carrot sticks and a tall glass of ice water.
What Your Total Fat Intake Should Really Be
There is a lot of different information out there about what your total fat intake should be. Read on to help decode the mystery and find the answer appropriate to your nutrition. Of course, it’s always recommended that you speak with your doctor when it comes to making major changes to your lifestyle, exercise or nutrition. Don’t forget to take that step!
Weight Loss and Health: How to Have Them Both
Weight loss and health are often considered to be related. After all, if you are at risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease or even certain cancers, one of the first things your doctor will recommend is that you lose weight if you are overweight. However, while the two can be connected, this doesn’t mean that they automatically are. How you choose to burn off the extra body fat is a major determining factor as to whether or not it’s really healthy for you.
How a High Fat Diet Changes Gut Bacteria
There are a lot of different diet plans that are on the market right now. Some of them ask you to eat a healthy dose of all the important vitamins and nutrients while others might focus on decreasing one too much and increasing the other in the process. One of the diets that can cause some issues is a high fat diet.
Top Signs Your Holiday Eating Habits Will Cause New Year Struggles
Are your holiday eating habits already out of control? Can you feel the pounds climbing on as your energy levels fizzle? Are you feeling overwhelmed, and it’s getting harder to cope with everyday challenges? It’s not too late to turn things around for the season. December doesn’t need to be miserable.
How to Eat Healthy While Traveling for the Holidays
Discovering how to eat healthy while traveling for the holidays may seem like a daunting task, but believe it or not, it can be done! The key isn’t to give up all the things we love to eat at this time of the year. Instead, it’s to take a good hard look at exactly what causes us to eat unhealthy foods, plan ahead, and make smart choices regarding which ones we should or should not be having.
The Effects of Fatty Foods on Your Body
Are fatty foods really as bad for you as we used to think they were? There was a time when we used to blame all nutrition-related health ills on eating too much of this macronutrient but is that still the case?